Taner Bilgiç
Tel. No.:
Lisans, EM, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, 1987;
Y. Lisans, EM, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, 1990;
Doktora, EM, University of Toronto, 1995.
1997'den beri Bölümde Öğretim Üyesi
Performance analysis of an aggregation and disaggregation solution procedure to obtain a maintenance plan for a partially observable multi-component system, , Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 167, p.652-662, (2017)
Innovation race under revenue and technology uncertainty of heterogeneous firms where the winner does not take all, , IIE Transactions, Volume 48, p.527–540, (2016)
Joint pricing and inventory control for additive demand models with reference effects, , Annals of Operations Research, Volume 226, Number 1, p.255–276, (2015)
Joint inventory and pricing decisions with reference effects, , IIE Transactions, Volume 46, Number 4, p.330–343, (2014)
Replacement policies for a complex system with unobservable components using dynamic Bayesian networks, , International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Volume 7, Number sup1, p.68–83, (2014)
Joint inventory and pricing decisions when customers are delay sensitive, , International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 157, p.302–312, (2014)
The Membership Function and Its Measurement, , On Fuzziness, p.47–53, (2013)
A two-period dynamic game for a substitutable product inventory control problem, , International Journal of Inventory Research, Volume 2, Number 1-2, p.108–126, (2013)
Operational Research Society of Turkey, , Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, (2010)
On coordinating an assembly system under random yield and random demand, , European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 196, Number 1, p.342–350, (2009)
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