Mahmut Ekşioğlu
Tel. No.:
Lisans, MM, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, 1981;
Y. Lisans, HM, Wichita State University, 1990;
Y. Lisans, EM, Wichita State University, 1992;
Doktora, EM, Wichita State University, 1996.
2005'ten beri Bölümde Öğretim Üyesi
Patentler ve Standartlar:
- İncelemeli Patent No: TR 2014 14778 B (Patent belgesinin veriliş tarihi: 21/01/2019) T.C. Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu / Patent Dairesi Başkanlığı
On-parmak yazım ilkelerine uygun olarak klavyede harfleri yerleştirme yöntemi ve bu yönteme göre oluşturulan Türkçe E-klavye yerleşimi (Başvuru no: 2014/14778; Başvuru tarihi: 08.12.2014)
TSE Standardı
- TS 13771 - Alfasayısal Türkçe E-Klavyenin Temel Yerleşim Düzeni / Nisan 2017
Musculoskeletal and visual symptoms among undergraduate students: Individual and computer-use-related risk factors and interference with academic performance, , International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Volume 60, p.26 - 34, (2017)
Ergonomics in design: Safety and user experience factors, , 2nd International Conference on Design and Production Engineering, (2017)
Prediction equations for permanent impairment of the upper extremity due to the loss of range of motion, , Work, Volume 53, p.409–420, (2016)
Hand Torque Strength in Industry: A Critical Review, , Industrial Engineering Applications in Emerging Countries, p.81, (2015)
An Estimation of Finger-Tapping Rates and Load Capacities and the Effects of Various Factors, , Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, p.0018720814563976, (2015)
Türkiye'de İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliğinin Genel Durumu, Öneriler ve Sistem Yaklaşımı, , Ge-li-yo-rum Diyen Facia, p.165–181, (2015)
Estimation of digraph costs for keyboard layout optimization, , International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Volume 48, p.127–138, (2015)
Prediction equations for permanent impairment of the upper extremity due to the loss of range of motion, , Journal of WORK, Number Preprint, p.1–12, (2015)
Save the Musicians! The Ergonomics of the Drumming, , Advances in Physical Ergonomics and Human Factors: Part II, Volume 15, p.269, (2014)
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