Mahmut Ekşioğlu

Tel. No.: 
Lisans, MM, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, 1981;
Y. Lisans, HM, Wichita State University, 1990;
Y. Lisans, EM, Wichita State University, 1992;
Doktora, EM, Wichita State University, 1996.
Patentler ve Standartlar: 



  • İncelemeli Patent No: TR 2014 14778 B (Patent belgesinin veriliş tarihi: 21/01/2019) T.C. Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu / Patent Dairesi Başkanlığı
    On-parmak yazım ilkelerine uygun olarak klavyede harfleri yerleştirme yöntemi ve bu yönteme göre oluşturulan Türkçe E-klavye yerleşimi (Başvuru no: 2014/14778; Başvuru tarihi: 08.12.2014)

TSE Standardı

  • TS 13771 - Alfasayısal Türkçe E-Klavyenin Temel Yerleşim Düzeni / Nisan 2017


  1. Relative optimum grip span as a function of hand anthropometry, Ekşioğlu, Mahmut , International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Volume 34, Number 1, p.1–12, (2004)
  2. Minimizing $\alpha$ and $\beta$ errors in detection tasks, Ekşioğlu, Mahmut, and Chen G , Proceedings of 12th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference (CD-ROM), (2003)
  3. Minimizing $\alpha$ and $\beta$ Errors in Detection Tasks, Ekşioğlu, Mahmut, and Chen Guangming , IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, p.1, (2003)
  4. Ergonomic evaluation of a prototype assistive device for moving residents up in bed, Zhuang, Ziqing, and Ekşioğlu Mahmut , Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering-Theory, Applications and Practice (CD-ROM), (2001)
  5. A model for impairment evaluation of the wrist due to the loss of wrist range of motion, Ekşioğlu, Mahmut, and Fernandez Jeffrey E. , Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering–Theory, Applications, and Practice (CD-ROM), (2001)
  6. In search of relative optimum grip span, Ekşioğlu, Mahmut , CD-ROM Proceedings of CybErg 1999: The Second International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics, p.494–504, (1999)
  7. A Tabu Search Approach for the Single Machine Mean Tardiness Problem, Islam, Anvarul, and Ekşioğlu Mahmut , Journal of the Operational Research Society, Volume 48, Number 7, p.751–755, (1997)