İ. Kuban Altınel
Lisans, EM, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, 1982;
Y. Lisans, EM YA, Columbia University, 1985;
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Doktora, EM, University of Pittsburgh, 1990.
Effective coverage in sensor networks: Binary integer programming formulations and heuristics, , Volume 9, p.4014–4019, (2006)
Product-line selection and pricing with remanufacturing under availability constraints, , Volume 5583, p.244–255, (2004)
A self-organizing method for map reconstruction, , Neural Networks for Signal Processing, 2003. NNSP'03. 2003 IEEE 13th Workshop on, p.677–687, (2003)
A Kohonen-like decomposition method for the Euclidean traveling salesman problem-KNIES_DECOMPOSE, , IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Volume 14, p.869–890, (2003)
A clone-based graphical modeler and mathematical model generator for optimal production planning in process industries, , European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 137, p.483–496, (2002)
Some aspects of using CASE tools in a Fusion-based application development project for production optimization, , Industrial Management and Data Systems, Volume 102, p.463–471, (2002)
General continuous time models for production planning and scheduling of batch processing plants: mixed integer linear program formulations and computational issues, , Computers & Chemical Engineering, Volume 25, p.371–389, (2001)
Dynamic component testing of a series system with redundant subsystems, , Iie Transactions, Volume 33, p.1093–1108, (2001)
A general software testing model involving operational profiles, , Volume 15, p.519–533, (2001)
A Kohonen-like Decomposition Method for the Traveling Salesman Problem: KNIESDECOMPOSE., , ECAI, p.261–265, (2000)