Ümit Bilge

IE 48B Special Topics: Robotic Manufacturing Systems

Kredi Bilgisi: 
(3+0+0) 3
This special course focuses on real-time control of robotic manufacturing systems and aims to introduce the third and fourth grade IE students to the state-of the-art issues in the area of advanced manufacturing through hands-on experience in BUFAIM- Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing Laboratory. After getting introduced to several automation concepts such as industrial robots, 3D printers, automated guided vehicles and RFID, and gaining an understanding of flexible manufacturing and the real-time operational decisions required for controlling such systems, the focus is set on the usage of the robot arms in BUFAIM Model Factory, their controller software, and the interaction between the real-time Shop Floor Control (SFC) system and the robot controllers. During the project, students will design and implement robot control programs and their interface with the existing SFC software in BUFAIM, so that the Model Factory operates seamlessly and enables new directions for potential research within the context of the Industry 4.0 concept. The students (individually or in teams) are expected to analyze the given case, come up with a good design, implement, verify and document their solution, and present it.
IE 201

IE 486 Flexible Manufacturing Systems

This course focuses on modeling and simulation of flexible manufacturing systems and aims to introduce the students to the research conducted in BUFAIM- Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing Laboratory. After providing an understanding of the nature and context of flexible manufacturing systems, their components and the real-time operational decisions required for controlling such systems, the focus is set on the FMS simulator software developed and used in BUFAIM together with potential research areas. Using object oriented (OO) methodology the software is analyzed using reverse engineering approach and students are asked to design and implement some new features and enhancements that will give the software new directions for potential research.
IE306, IE201

IE 523 Üretim Sistemlerinin Tasarımı

Kredi Bilgisi: 
(3+0+0) 3
Continuous and discrete space facility location models, and location/allocation models. Facility layout models and solution methods. Group technology and cellular manufacturing, cell formation using clustering, mathematical programming and other methods. Design of flexible manufacturing, warehousing, distribution and logistic systems.
Öğretim görevlisinin onayı.

IE 414 Akıllı İmalat Sistemleri

Kredi Bilgisi: 
(2+0+2) 3 ECTS 6
Sayısal imalat teknolojileri ve otomasyonun temel unsurları: Sayısal kontrollü imalat, eklemeli imalat, endüstriyel robotlar, otomatik güdümlü malzeme taşıma araçları, esnek imalat, gerçek zamanlı fabrika kontrolü. Akıllı imalat kavramları: nesnelerin interneti, endüstriyel veri toplama sistemleri ve iletişim ağları, yatay ve dikey bütünleşme, siber-fiziksel sistemler, ağ bağlantılı akıllı fabrika. CAD/CAM, robot programlama, ileri imalat sistemlerinin modelleme, benzetim ve gerçek zamanlı operasyonel yönetimi üzerine laboratuvar uygulamaları.
(eş zamanlı) IE 306 ya da eşdeğer
