432 sonucu aktar:
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Başoğlu, İ., W. Hörmann, and H. Sak, "Optimally stratified importance sampling for portfolio risk with multiple loss thresholds", Optimization, vol. 62, no. 11: Taylor & Francis, pp. 1451–1471, 2013.
Bonomo, F., D. Cornaz, T. Ekim, and B. Ries, "Perfectness of clustered graphs", Discrete Optimization, vol. 10, no. 4: Elsevier, pp. 296–303, 2013.
Ekim, T., P. Heggernes, and D. Meister, "Polar permutation graphs are polynomial-time recognisable", European Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 34, no. 3: Academic Press, pp. 576–592, 2013.
Korugan, A., K. Dinçer Dingeç, T. Önen, and N. Y. Ateş, "On the quality variation impact of returns in remanufacturing", Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 64, pp. 929–936, Apr, 2013.
Beşikci, U., Ü. Bilge, and G. Ulusoy, "Resource dedication problem in a multi-project environment", Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, vol. 25, no. 1-2: Springer, pp. 206–229, 2013.
Şuvak, Z., Solving Integrated Berth Allocation And Crane Assignment Problem Using A Tabu Search Metaheuristic, , 2013.
Ekim, T., and J. Gimbel, "Some Defective Parameters in Graphs", Graphs and Combinatorics, vol. 29, no. 2: Springer Japan, pp. 213–224, 2013.
Dingeç, K. Dinçer, and A. Korugan, "A stochastic analysis of asynchronous demand in disassembly processes of remanufacturing systems", European Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 7, pp. 175–205, 2013.
İşeri, A., and M. Ekşioğlu, "Tapping Rates of Fingers and the Effects of Age, Gender and Hand Preference", SHO2013 –International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, 2013.
Botts, C., W. Hörmann, and J. Leydold, "Transformed density rejection with inflection points", Statistics and Computing, vol. 23, no. 2: Springer US, pp. 251–260, 2013.
Fas, G., and T. Bilgiç, "A two-period dynamic game for a substitutable product inventory control problem", International Journal of Inventory Research, vol. 2, no. 1-2: Inderscience Publishers Ltd, pp. 108–126, 2013.
Ekşioğlu, M., E. Kiris, T. \ cCakır, M. Güvendik, E. D. Koyutürk, and M. Yılmaz, "A user experience study of airline websites", Design, User Experience, and Usability. Web, Mobile, and Product Design: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 173–182, 2013.
Aksen, D., and N. Aras, "A bilevel fixed charge location model for facilities under imminent attack", Computers & Operations Research, vol. 39, no. 7: Pergamon, pp. 1364–1381, 2012.
Küçükaydın, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "Ciftduzeyli Bir Rekabetci Tesis Yer Secimi Problemi Icin Tabu Arama Sezgiseli", Endustri Muhendisligi Dergisi, vol. 23, no. 1: TMMOB Makina Muhendisleri Odasi, 2012.
Ekim, T., A. Erey, P. Heggernes, P. van't Hof, and D. Meister, "Computing minimum geodetic sets of proper interval graphs", LATIN 2012: Theoretical Informatics: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 279–290, 2012.
Tanyolaç, T., and H. Yasarcan, "Control Heuristics for Soft Landing Problem", The 30th International System Dynamics Conference, St. Gallen, Switzerland: System Dynamics Society (http://www.systemdynamics.org/conferences/2012/index.html), 2012.
Özgün, O., and Y. Barlas, "Effects of Delay, Nonlinearity and Feedback on the Overall Complexity of a Stock Management Game", 30th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, 2012.
Güney, E., N. Aras, K. I. Altinel, and C. Ersoy, "Efficient solution techniques for the integrated coverage, sink location and routing problem in wireless sensor networks", Computers & Operations Research, vol. 39, no. 7: Elsevier, pp. 1530–1539, 2012.
Kumbaroğlu, G., and R. Madlener, "Evaluation of economically optimal retrofit investment options for energy savings in buildings", Energy and Buildings, vol. 49, pp. 327-334, 2012.
Kwakkel, J., and G. Yücel, "An Exploratory Analysis of the Dutch Electricity System in Transition", Journal of the Knowledge Economy: Springer US, pp. 1–16, 2012.
Ağralı, S., J. Geunes, and Z. C. Taşkın, "A Facility Location Model with Safety Stock Costs: Analysis of the Cost of Single-Sourcing Requirements", Journal of Global Optimization, vol. 54(3), pp. 551-581, 2012.
Sak, H., and W. Hörmann, "Fast simulations in credit risk", Quantitative Finance, vol. 12, no. 10: Routledge, pp. 1557–1569, 2012.
Dingeç, K. Dinçer, and W. Hörmann, "A general control variate method for option pricing under Lévy processes", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 221, no. 2: North-Holland, pp. 368–377, 2012.
Küçükaydın, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "Hybrid Tabu Search Heuristics for a Bilevel Competitive Facility Location Model", 26th Annual Conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society, 2012.
Keçici, S., N. Aras, and V. Verter, "Incorporating the threat of terrorist attacks in the design of public service facility networks", Optimization Letters, vol. 6, no. 6: Springer-Verlag, pp. 1101–1121, 2012.
Taşkın, Z. C., and T. Ekim, "Integer Programming Formulations for the Minimum Weighted Maximal Matching Problem", Optimization Letters, vol. 6(6), pp. 1161-1171, 2012.
Küçükaydın, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "A leader–follower game in competitive facility location", Computers & Operations Research, vol. 39, no. 2: Elsevier, pp. 437–448, 2012.
Koşucuoğlu, D., and Ü. Bilge, "Material handling considerations in the FMS loading problem with full routing flexibility", International Journal of Production Research, vol. 50, no. 22: Taylor & Francis, pp. 6530–6552, 2012.
Taşkın, Z. C., C. J. Smith, and E. H. Romeijn, "Mixed-Integer Programming Techniques for Decomposing IMRT Fluence Maps Using Rectangular Apertures", Annals of Operations Research, vol. 196(1), pp. 799-818, 2012.
Sarıca, K., G. Kumbaroğlu, and İ. Or, "Modeling and analysis of a decentralized electricity market: An integrated simulation/optimization approach", Energy, vol. 44, pp. 830-852, 2012.
