Ümit Bilge

B.S. in IE, Boğaziçi University, 1982;
M.S. in IE, Boğaziçi University, 1984;
Ph.D. in IE, Boğaziçi University, 1991.
Faculty Member in the Department since: 1982
Research Interests: 
Machine and project scheduling, Production planning and control under manufacturing flexibility, CIM and automated guided vehicle systems, Meta-heuristic methods in optimization

Recent publications

  1. A robust disaster preparedness model for effective and fair disaster response, Erbeyoğlu, Gökalp, and Bilge Ümit , European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 280, p.479–494, (2020)
  2. Multi-dimensional clearing functions for aggregate capacity modelling in multi-stage production systems, Albey, Erinç, Bilge Ümit, and Uzsoy Reha , International Journal of Production Research, Volume 55, p.4164–4179, (2017)
  3. An exploratory study of disaggregated clearing functions for production systems with multiple products, Albey, Erinç, Bilge Ümit, and Uzsoy Reha , International Journal of Production Research, Number ahead-of-print, p.1–22, (2014)
  4. Operational aircraft maintenance routing problem with remaining time consideration, Başdere, Mehmet, and Bilge Ümit , European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 235, Number 1, p.315–328, (2014)
  5. Resource dedication problem in a multi-project environment, Beşikci, Umut, Bilge Ümit, and Ulusoy Gündüz , Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, Volume 25, Number 1-2, p.206–229, (2013)