Z. Caner Taşkın

B.S. in IE, Boğaziçi University, 2003;
M.S. in IE, Boğaziçi University, 2005;
Ph.D. in ISE, University of Florida, 2009.
Faculty Member in the Department since: 2009
Personal Web Site:
Research Interests:
Mixed-integer programming, Constraint programming, Decomposition algorithms for large-scale optimization, Applications of operations research in healthcare and telecommunications
Recent publications
Multiple instance classification via quadratic programming, , Journal of Global Optimization, p.1–32, (2022)
A Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for Optimal Decoding of LDPC Codes, , Journal of Global Optimization, Volume 81, p.805–834, (2021)
A branch-and-price algorithm for parallel machine campaign planning under sequence dependent family setups and co-production, , Computers & Operations Research, Volume 135, p.105430, (2021)
A linear programming approach to multiple instance learning, , Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Volume 29, p.2186–2201, (2021)
Single Machine Campaign Planning under Sequence Dependent Family Setups and Co-Production, , Journal of the Operational Research Society, Volume 72, p.2091–2111, (2021)
An Exact Cutting Plane Algorithm to Solve the Selective Graph Coloring Problem in Perfect Graphs, , European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 291(1), p.67–83, (2021)
Decentralized decomposition algorithms for peer-to-peer linear optimization, , RAIRO-Oper. Res., Volume 54, p.1835-1861, (2020)
A branch-and-cut algorithm for a bipartite graph construction problem in digital communication systems, , Networks, Volume 75, p.137-157, (2020)
A strong integer programming formulation for hybrid flowshop scheduling, , Journal of the Operational Research Society, Volume 71, p.2042-2052, (2020)
On the Construction of Regular QC-LDPC Codes With Low Error Floor, , IEEE Communications Letters, Volume 24, p.25-28, (2020)
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