Aybek Korugan

B.S. in IE, Istanbul Technical University, 1992;
M.S. in IE, Northeastern University, 1997;
Ph.D. in OR, Northeastern University, 2002.
Faculty Member in the Department since: 2003
Research Interests: 
Stochastic modeling of manufacturing systems, Analysis of queuing networks, Analysis of hybrid manufacturing systems, Production substitution in multiproduct environments

Recent publications

  1. INVESTIGATING THE POTENTIAL OF STATE-TRUNCATIONAPPROXIMATIONS FOR PRODUCTION LINES, Durmuş, Deniz, YERALAN SENCER, and Korugan Aybek , Stochastic Modelling and Applications, Dec, Volume 20, p.91–109, (2016)
  2. An Adaptive CONWIP Mechanism for Hybrid Production Systems, Korugan, Aybek, and Gupta Surendra M. , International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 74, p.715–727, (2014)
  3. On the quality variation impact of returns in remanufacturing, Korugan, Aybek, Dingeç Kemal Dinçer, Önen Tolga, and Ateş Nüfer Y. , Computers & Industrial Engineering, Apr, Volume 64, p.929–936, (2013)
  4. Performance analysis of a hybrid system under quality impact of returns, Behret, Hülya, and Korugan Aybek , Computers & Industrial Engineering, Mar, Volume 56, p.507–520, (2009)
  5. A multi echelon inventory system with returns, Korugan, Aybek, and Gupta Surendra M. , Computers & Industrial Engineering, Oct, Volume 35, p.145–148, (1998)