Ümit Bilge

B.S. in IE, Boğaziçi University, 1982;
M.S. in IE, Boğaziçi University, 1984;
Ph.D. in IE, Boğaziçi University, 1991.
Faculty Member in the Department since: 1982
Research Interests: 
Machine and project scheduling, Production planning and control under manufacturing flexibility, CIM and automated guided vehicle systems, Meta-heuristic methods in optimization

Recent publications

  1. Material handling considerations in the FMS loading problem with full routing flexibility, Koşucuoğlu, Deniz, and Bilge Ümit , International Journal of Production Research, Volume 50, Number 22, p.6530–6552, (2012)
  2. A hierarchical approach to FMS planning and control with simulation-based capacity anticipation, Albey, Erinç, and Bilge Ümit , International Journal of Production Research, Volume 49, Number 11, p.3319–3342, (2011)
  3. A parametric fuzzy logic approach to dynamic part routing under full routing flexibility, Bilge, Ümit, Fırat Murat, and Albey Erinç , Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 55, Number 1, p.15–33, (2008)
  4. A tabu search algorithm for the single machine total weighted tardiness problem, Bilge, Ümit, Kurtulan Müjde, and Kıraç Furkan , European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 176, Number 3, p.1423–1435, (2007)
  5. Multi-attribute responsive dispatching strategies for automated guided vehicles, Bilge, Ümit, Esenduran Gökçe, Varol Nebibe, Öztürk Zeynep, Aydın Burcu, and Alp Aysun , International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 100, Number 1, p.65–75, (2006)
  6. A tabu search algorithm for parallel machine total tardiness problem, Bilge, Ümit, Kıraç Furkan, Kurtulan Müjde, and Pekgün Pelin , Computers & Operations Research, Volume 31, Number 3, p.397–414, (2004)
  7. AGV systems with multi-load carriers: basic issues and potential benefits, Bilge, Ümit, and Tanchoco JMA , Journal of manufacturing systems, Volume 16, Number 3, p.159–174, (1997)