Tınaz Ekim Aşıcı

B.S. in Math, Univ. Tech. et de Sciences de Lille, 1999; 
B.S. in IE, Galatasaray University, 2001;
M.S. in Sc.Meth in Busn, Dauphine-Paris IX, 2002;
Ph.D. in OR, Ecole Polytech. Féd. de Lausanne, 2006.
Research Interests: 
Algorithmic graph theory and applications, Combinatorial optimization, Complexity theory, Approximation theory

Recent publications

  1. Equimatchable graphs are C2k+ 1-free for k≥ 4, Dibek, Cemil, Ekim Tinaz, Gözüpek Didem, and Shalom Mordechai , Discrete Mathematics, Volume 339, p.2964–2969, (2016)
  2. Graphs of edge-intersecting and non-splitting paths, Boyacı, Arman, Ekim Tinaz, Shalom Mordechai, and Zaks Shmuel , Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 629, p.40-50, (2016)
  3. Advances on defective parameters in graphs, Akdemir, Ahu, and Ekim Tinaz , Discrete Optimization, Volume 16, p.62-69, (2015)
  4. On some applications of the selective graph coloring problem, Demange, Marc, Ekim Tinaz, Ries Bernard, and Tanasescu Cerasela , European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 240, p.307-314, (2015)
  5. Efficient recognition of equimatchable graphs, Demange, Marc, and Ekim Tinaz , Information Processing Letters, Volume 114, Number 1, p.66–71, (2014)
  6. Block decomposition approach to compute a minimum geodetic set, Ekim, Tinaz, and Erey Aysel , RAIRO-Operations Research, Volume 48, Number 04, p.497–507, (2014)
  7. Polar cographs, Ekim, Tinaz, Mahadev NVR, and de Werra Dominique , Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 171, Number EPFL-ARTICLE-199582, p.158–158, (2014)
  8. A note on the NP-hardness of two matching problems in induced subgrids, Demange, Marc, Ekim Tinaz, and , Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 15, Number 2, p.233–242, (2013)
  9. Perfectness of clustered graphs, Bonomo, Flavia, Cornaz Denis, Ekim Tinaz, and Ries Bernard , Discrete Optimization, Volume 10, Number 4, p.296–303, (2013)