Tınaz Ekim Aşıcı

B.S. in Math, Univ. Tech. et de Sciences de Lille, 1999; 
B.S. in IE, Galatasaray University, 2001;
M.S. in Sc.Meth in Busn, Dauphine-Paris IX, 2002;
Ph.D. in OR, Ecole Polytech. Féd. de Lausanne, 2006.
Research Interests: 
Algorithmic graph theory and applications, Combinatorial optimization, Complexity theory, Approximation theory

Recent publications

  1. Complexity of the Improper Twin Edge Coloring of Graphs, Abedin, Paniz, Akbari Saieed, Demange Marc, and Ekim Tinaz , Graphs and Combinatorics, Volume 33, p.595–615, (2017)
  2. Edge extremal Graphs Under Degree and Matching Number Restrictions, Ekim, Tinaz , 17th Haifa Workshop on Interdisciplinary Applications of Graphs – CRI, (2017)
  3. Recent results on equimatchable graphs, Ekim, Tinaz , Combinatorial Potlatch, (2017)
  4. Linear-Time Generation of Random Chordal Graphs, Şeker, Oylum, Heggernes Pinar, Ekim Tinaz, and Z. Taşkın Caner , International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity, (2017)