Gürkan Kumbaroğlu

B.S. in IE, Gazi University, 1990;
M.S. in IE, Middle East Technical University, 1995;
Ph.D. in IE, Middle East Technical University, 2001.
Faculty Member in the Department since: 2003
Research Interests: 
Energy and environmental policy modeling, Energy economics & management, Real options theory, Industrial energy analysis, General economic equilibrium

Recent publications

  1. Impacts of Regulatory Transformation Processes to the Downstream Oil Market in Turkey, Metin, Erol, and Kumbaroğlu Gürkan , International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, Volume 8, p.141–149, (2018)
  2. Karbon Vergisi ile Sera Gazı Emisyonlarının Azaltımı: Turkiye Vakası., Kumbaroğlu, Gürkan, Or İlhan, and IŞIK Mine , International Relations/Uluslararasi Iliskiler, Volume 14, (2017)