Taner Bilgiç

B.S. in IE, Middle East Technical Univ., 1987; 
M.S. in IE, Middle East Technical Univ., 1990;  
Ph.D. in IE, University of Toronto, 1995.
Faculty Member in the Department since: 1997
Research Interests: 
Competitive models in supply chain management, Probabilistic networks in decision analysis and causality, Foundations of fuzzy set theory

Recent publications

  1. Economic lot scheduling with uncontrolled co-production, Öner, Selma, and Bilgiç Taner , European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 188, Number 3, p.793–810, (2008)
  2. Analysis of a two-stage telecommunication supply chain with technology dependent demand, Canakoğlu, Ethem, and Bilgiç Taner , European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 177, Number 2, p.995–1012, (2007)