Necati Aras

B.S. in IE, Boğaziçi University, 1993;
M.S. in IE, Boğaziçi University, 1994;
Ph.D. in IE, Boğaziçi University, 1999.
Research Interests: 
Product recovery network design, Reverse logistics, Meta-heuristic methods in optimization, Facility location, Bilevel models in optimization

Recent publications

  1. Efficient heuristics for the rectilinear distance capacitated multi-facility Weber problem, Aras, Necati, Orbay M, and I. Altinel Kuban , Journal of the Operational Research Society, Volume 59, Number 1, p.64–79, (2008)
  2. New heuristic methods for the capacitated multi-facility Weber problem, Aras, Necati, I. Altinel Kuban, and Orbay Metin , Naval Research Logistics (NRL), Volume 54, Number 1, p.21–32, (2007)
  3. Open vehicle routing problem with driver nodes and time deadlines, Aksen, D, Özyurt Z, and Aras Necati , Journal of the Operational Research Society, Volume 58, Number 9, p.1223–1234, (2007)
  4. Customer selection and profit maximization in vehicle routing problems, Aksen, Deniz, and Aras Necati , Operations Research Proceedings 2005, p.37–42, (2006)
  5. Coordination and priority decisions in hybrid manufacturing/remanufacturing systems, Aras, Necati, Verter Vedat, and Boyaci Tamer , Production and Operations Management, Volume 15, Number 4, p.528–543, (2006)
  6. Solving the uncapacitated multi-facility Weber problem by vector quantization and self-organizing maps, Aras, Necati, Özkısacık KC, and I. Altinel Kuban , Journal of the Operational Research Society, Volume 57, Number 1, p.82–93, (2006)