Mustafa Gökçe Baydoğan

B.S. in IE, Middle East Technical Univ., 2006;
M.S. in IE, Middle East Technical Univ., 2008;
Ph.D. in IE, Arizona State University, 2012.
Faculty Member in the Department since: 2013
Research Interests: 
Statistical learning, Time series data mining, Mining massive multivariate datasets, Ensemble learning

Recent publications

  1. Classification of generic system dynamics model outputs via supervised time series pattern discovery, Edali, Mert, Baydogan Mustafa Gokce, and Yücel Gönenç , Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Volume 27, p.832–846, (2019)
  2. Estimation of Influence Distance of Bus Stops Using Bus GPS Data and Bus Stop Properties, Gokasar, Ilgin, Cetinel Yigit, and Baydogan Mustafa Gokce , IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 20, p.4635-4642, (2019)
  3. A scale-space theory and bag-of-features based time series classification method, Altay, Tayip, and Baydogan Mustafa Gokce , Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2017 25th, (2017)
  4. Time series representation and similarity based on local autopatterns, Baydogan, Mustafa Gokce, and Runger George , Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 03/2016, Volume 30, Issue 2, p.476–509, (2016)
  5. Learning a symbolic representation for multivariate time series classification, Baydogan, Mustafa Gokce, and Runger George , Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 03/2015, Volume 29, Issue 2, p.400-422, (2015)