İ. Kuban Altınel

B.S. in IE, Istanbul Technical University, 1982;
M.S. in IE  OR, Columbia University, 1985;
M.S. in IE, University of Pittsburgh, 1989;
Ph.D. in IE, University of Pittsburgh, 1990.
Research Interests: 
Linear and combinatorial optimization, Graphs and network flows, Mathematical programming applications in statistics and machine learning, Wireless sensor networks, Social Networks

Recent publications

  1. Arbitrary distance function estimation using discrete vector quantization, Oommen, John, I. Altinel Kuban, and Aras Necati , Neural Networks, 1997., International Conference on, Volume 2, p.1272–1277, (1997)
  2. A dynamic model for component testing, I. Altinel, Kuban , Naval Research Logistics, Volume 44, p.187–197, (1997)
  3. Vector Quantization for Arbitrary Distance Function Estimation, I. Altinel, Kuban, Oommen John, and Aras Necati , Informs Journal on Computing, Volume 9, p.439–451, (1997)
  4. The design of optimum component test plans in the demonstration of system reliability, I. Altinel, Kuban , European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 78, p.318–333, (1994)