İ. Kuban Altınel

B.S. in IE, Istanbul Technical University, 1982;
M.S. in IE  OR, Columbia University, 1985;
M.S. in IE, University of Pittsburgh, 1989;
Ph.D. in IE, University of Pittsburgh, 1990.
Research Interests: 
Linear and combinatorial optimization, Graphs and network flows, Mathematical programming applications in statistics and machine learning, Wireless sensor networks, Social Networks

Recent publications

  1. A dynamic model for component testing, I. Altinel, Kuban , Naval Research Logistics, Volume 44, p.187–197, (1997)
  2. Vector Quantization for Arbitrary Distance Function Estimation, I. Altinel, Kuban, Oommen John, and Aras Necati , Informs Journal on Computing, Volume 9, p.439–451, (1997)
  3. The design of optimum component test plans in the demonstration of system reliability, I. Altinel, Kuban , European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 78, p.318–333, (1994)