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"Column generation-based prototype learning for optimizing area under the receiver operating characteristic curve",
European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 314, pp. 297–307, 2024.
"Dynamic trade-offs in granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) administration during chemotherapy",
System Dynamics Review, vol. 36, pp. 397–446, 2021.
"Explainable boosted linear regression for time series forecasting",
Pattern Recognition, vol. 120, pp. 108144, 2021.
"Randomized trees for time series representation and similarity",
Pattern Recognition, vol. 120, pp. 108097, 2021.
"An exact and implementable computation of the final outbreak size distribution under Erlang distributed infectious period",
Mathematical Biosciences, vol. 325, pp. 108363, 2020.
"Mind the independence gap",
Discrete Mathematics, vol. 343, pp. 111943, 2020.
"Minimizing the misinformation spread in social networks",
IISE Transactions, vol. 52, pp. 850-863, 2020.
"Next-day operating room scheduling with uncertain surgery durations: Exact analysis and heuristics",
European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 286, pp. 49-62, 2020.
"Effect of a secondary market on a system with random demand and uncertain costs",
International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 209, pp. 112-120, 2019.
"Effect of a secondary market on a system with random demand and uncertain costs",
International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 209, pp. 112-120, 2019.
"Estimation of Influence Distance of Bus Stops Using Bus GPS Data and Bus Stop Properties",
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 20, pp. 4635-4642, 2019.
"Small 1-defective Ramsey numbers in perfect graphs",
Discrete Optimization, vol. 34, pp. 100548, 2019.
"On Almost Well-Covered Graphs of Girth at Least 6",
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 20, 2018.
"Equimatchable claw-free graphs",
Discrete Mathematics, vol. 341, pp. 2859-2871, 2018.
"A parallel machine lot-sizing and scheduling problem with a secondary resource and cumulative demand",
International Journal of Production Research, vol. 56, pp. 3344-3357, 2018.
"Accelerating Transition Dynamics in City Regions: A Qualitative Modeling Perspective",
Sustainability, vol. 9, pp. 1254, 2017.
"Affect measurement: A roadmap through approaches, technologies, and data analysis",
Emotions and Affect in Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction: Elsevier, pp. 255–288, 2017.
"On matching extendability of lexicographic products",
RAIRO-Oper. Res., vol. 51, pp. 857-873, 2017.
"Mispricing in Option Pricing Models Versus Market Payoffs: An Efficiency-Based Performance Metric",
Wilmott, vol. 2017, pp. 44–57, 2017.
"The Shifting the Burden Archetype: A Workforce and Task Backlog Management Game",
Korean System Dynamics Review, vol. 17, pp. 81-110, 2017.
"The Shifting the Burden Archetype A Workforce and Task Backlog Management Game",
Korean System Dynamics Review, vol. 4, pp. 81–110, Feb, 2017.
"Equimatchable graphs are C2k+ 1-free for k≥ 4",
Discrete Mathematics, vol. 339, pp. 2964–2969, 2016.
"Innovation race under revenue and technology uncertainty of heterogeneous firms where the winner does not take all",
IIE Transactions, vol. 48, pp. 527–540, 2016.
"A column generation approach for evaluating delivery efficiencies of collimator technologies in IMRT treatment planning",
Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 60, issue 5, pp. 1989-2004, 2015.
"Joint pricing and inventory control for additive demand models with reference effects",
Annals of Operations Research, vol. 226, no. 1: Springer US, pp. 255–276, 2015.
"Joint pricing and inventory control for additive demand models with reference effects",
Annals of Operations Research, vol. 226, no. 1: Springer US, pp. 255–276, 2015.
"Mathematical Programming-Based Sales and Operations Planning at Vestel Electronics",
Interfaces, vol. 45, issue 4, pp. 325-340, 2015.
"An Adaptive CONWIP Mechanism for Hybrid Production Systems",
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 74, pp. 715–727, 2014.
"Joint inventory and pricing decisions when customers are delay sensitive",
International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 157: Elsevier, pp. 302–312, 2014.
"Joint inventory and pricing decisions when customers are delay sensitive",
International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 157: Elsevier, pp. 302–312, 2014.