"Modeling the pharmacodynamics of nandrolone doping drug and implications for anti-doping testing",
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"Next-day operating room scheduling with uncertain surgery durations: Exact analysis and heuristics",
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"The r-interdiction selective multi-depot vehicle routing problem",
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"A robust disaster preparedness model for effective and fair disaster response",
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"Statistical inference using stratified judgment post-stratified samples from finite populations",
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"A strong integer programming formulation for hybrid flowshop scheduling",
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"A trilevel r-interdiction selective multi-depot vehicle routing problem with depot protection",
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"A branch-and-price algorithm for parallel machine campaign planning under sequence dependent family setups and co-production",
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"A Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for Optimal Decoding of LDPC Codes",
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"Dynamic trade-offs in granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) administration during chemotherapy",
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"An ensemble-based semi-supervised feature ranking for multi-target regression problems",
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"An Exact Cutting Plane Algorithm to Solve the Selective Graph Coloring Problem in Perfect Graphs",
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"Explainable boosted linear regression for time series forecasting",
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"A linear programming approach to multiple instance learning",
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"A new feature-based time series classification method by using scale-space extrema",
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"Randomized trees for time series representation and similarity",
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"Single Machine Campaign Planning under Sequence Dependent Family Setups and Co-Production",
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"Multiple instance classification via quadratic programming",
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"nTreeClus: A tree-based sequence encoder for clustering categorical series",
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"A reference set based many-objective co-evolutionary algorithm with an application to the knapsack problem",
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"Column generation-based prototype learning for optimizing area under the receiver operating characteristic curve",
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