Seminar: On the AI, IE and HI (Human Intelligence)



On the AI, IE and HI (human intelligence)


Chen Zhou

(Industrial and Systems Engineering Department Georgia Institute of Technology)



Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), robotics and automation have brought rapid changes to our lives, such as what to see, to eat, to wear, to work, to play, to relax, to move, or to pay. These changes are accelerating in 2023. How should Industrial Engineering (or any other major) adapt to this new reality? Every engineering major has its unique foundations and domains. For IEs, these include probability, statistics, optimization, stochastic process, engineering economy and human factors. In the past, industrial engineers applied these fundamentals in production, logistics, quality, supply chain, human-machine systems and management systems. Today, AI and robotics can already do some of the things as well as an educated industrial engineer can do! Surprisingly, a lot of AI and ML techniques are rooted in industrial engineering and operations research. Many top IE programs have started to make adjustments to adapt to the new reality. What is the best way forward? Industrial Engineering is actually well-positioned to influence the direction of future development. A great objective for the future is found in the definition of ergonomics and human factors by the International Ergonomics Association (IEA): to optimize human well-being and overall system performance. This objective links humans to the social, environmental and economic systems IEs intend to improve. More and more AI will join HI in human cognitive decisions. Human behavior will play an important role. IEs are in an excellent position to bring AI and HI to serve human well-being. This talk will provide an overview of the recent development in AI and ML and open a dialog about how to adapt for the future of our profession.



Professor Chen Zhou has been the Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies at the top-ranked Industrial and Systems Engineering department at Georgia Tech. His research has been in the area of sustainable supply chains with a focus on food supply chains for human well-being, with a focus on the influence of human behavior. He is instrumental in the design and development of the undergraduate and graduate curricula. He received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from Tianjin University in 1982 and his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Pennsylvania State University in 1988.



Date: Monday, July 10, 2023.

Time: 15:00-16:00.

Place: Engineering Building, South Campus, VYKM 2