Changes to IE Curriculum Take Effect

IE-Curriculum is overhauled to reflect the changing learning environment and requirements. The department continuously collects feedback from the students about courses. A sub-committee from the department worked on the curriculum by contacting all stakeholders and prepared a proposal which was then endorsed at the Departmental Council and proposed to the Faculty of Engineering and the University Senate. The Senate accepted the proposal in August 2019 and the new curriculum took effect for students entering the Freshman year in the 2019-2020 academic year. 


In a nutshell, the new curriculum is:

  • Strong in core Science and Engineering content: our program still maintains a coherent science and engineering content early in the program.
  • Rich in Humanities and Social Science courses: we do not give away from the priciple of providing many slots as HSS courses in our Engineering program. 
  • Stronger in introducing IE concepts earlier: we overhauled IE 120 Introduction and Orientation to a full 3-credit course with the aim of introducing IE/OR related concepts earlier. Moving Matrix Theory to the first semester allows us to start the OR Sequence earlier. 
  • Exchange friendly: we start to offer many courses both semesters so that students can take them whenever they can without needing to wait a full year. 
  • Richer in Departmental Electives: we will be offering more elective courses on current topics.