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Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is T and Author is Yavuz Bogaç Türkogullari [Clear All Filters]
"Optimal Berth Allocation, Time-variant Quay Crane Assignment and Scheduling with Crane Setups in Container Terminals",
European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 254, issue 3, pp. 985-1001, 2016.
"Optimal berth allocation and time-invariant quay crane assignment in container terminals",
European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 235, no. 1, pp. 88–101, 2014.
"A column generation based heuristic for sensor placement, activity scheduling and data routing in wireless sensor networks",
European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 207, pp. 1014–1026, 2010.
"An efficient heuristic for placement, scheduling and routing in wireless sensor networks",
Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 8, pp. 654–667, 2010.
"An efficient heuristic for placement, scheduling and routing in wireless sensor networks",
International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, 2008.
"Optimal placement and activity scheduling to maximize coverage lifetime in wireless sensor networks",
International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, 2007.