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"A column generation heuristic for VMAT planning with adaptive CVaR constraints",
Physics in Medicine {&} Biology, vol. 64, pp. 205024, oct, 2019.
"A column generation heuristic for VMAT planning with adaptive CVaR constraints",
Physics in Medicine {&} Biology, vol. 64, pp. 205024, oct, 2019.
"SLA-aware optimal resource allocation for service-oriented networks",
Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 101, pp. 959-974, 2019.
"Solution of a Real-Life Vehicle Routing Problem with Meal Breaks and Shifts",
Green Transportation and New Advances in Vehicle Routing Problems: Springer International Publishing, pp. 131–157, 2020.
"Statistical inference using stratified judgment post-stratified samples from finite populations",
Environmental and Ecological Statistics, vol. 27, pp. 73–94, 2020.
"Column generation-based prototype learning for optimizing area under the receiver operating characteristic curve",
European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 314, pp. 297–307, 2024.
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