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"Determining the most vulnerable components in a transportation network",
Sigma, vol. 9, pp. 371–382, 2018.
"Bilevel Models on the Competitive Facility Location Problem",
Spatial Interaction Models: Springer, pp. 1–19, 2017.
"Ciftduzeyli Bir Rekabetci Tesis Yer Secimi Problemi Icin Tabu Arama Sezgiseli",
Endustri Muhendisligi Dergisi, vol. 23, no. 1: TMMOB Makina Muhendisleri Odasi, 2012.
"Hybrid Tabu Search Heuristics for a Bilevel Competitive Facility Location Model",
26th Annual Conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society, 2012.
"A leader–follower game in competitive facility location",
Computers & Operations Research, vol. 39, no. 2: Elsevier, pp. 437–448, 2012.