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Ekşioğlu, M., and G. Chen, "Minimizing $\alpha$ and $\beta$ Errors in Detection Tasks", IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings: Institute of Industrial Engineers-Publisher, pp. 1, 2003.
Ekşioğlu, M., and G. Chen, "Minimizing $\alpha$ and $\beta$ errors in detection tasks", Proceedings of 12th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference (CD-ROM), 2003.
Zhuang, Z., and M. Ekşioğlu, "Ergonomic evaluation of a prototype assistive device for moving residents up in bed", Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering-Theory, Applications and Practice (CD-ROM), 2001.
Ekşioğlu, M., and J. E. Fernandez, "A model for impairment evaluation of the wrist due to the loss of wrist range of motion", Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering–Theory, Applications, and Practice (CD-ROM), 2001.
Ekşioğlu, M., "In search of relative optimum grip span", CD-ROM Proceedings of CybErg 1999: The Second International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics: The International Ergonomics Association Press, pp. 494–504, 1999.
Ekşioğlu, M., JE. Fernandez, and JM. Twomey, "Predicting peak pinch strength: Artificial neural networks vs. regression", Occupational Health and Industrial Medicine, vol. 1, no. 36, pp. 5, 1997.
Islam, A., and M. Ekşioğlu, "A Tabu Search Approach for the Single Machine Mean Tardiness Problem", Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 48, no. 7: Operational Research Society, pp. 751–755, 1997.
Ekşioğlu, M., and J. E. Fernandez, "Artificial neural network-based prediction models for determiing maximum acceptable frequency of a drilling task", Advances in Applied Ergonomics (1st International Conference on Applied Ergonomics): USA Publishing, pp. 646–649, 1996.
Ekşioğlu, M., Determining the optimum grip span and modeling work/rest cycles for intermittent gripping tasks, , 1996.
Islam, A., and M. Ekşioğlu, "Optimal maintenance inspection frequency: A multicriteria approach", Proceedings of 5th Industrial Engineering Research Conference: GA: Institute of Industrial Engineers, pp. 639–644, 1996.
Ekşioğlu, M., J. E. Fernandez, and J. M. Twomey, "Predicting peak pinch strength: artificial neural networks vs. regression", International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, vol. 18, no. 5: Elsevier, pp. 431–441, 1996.
Ekşioğlu, M., J. E. Fernandez, and J. M. Twomey, "An artificial neural network (ANN)", Advances in Industrial Ergonomics and Safety VII (Proceedings of the Tenth Annual International Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Conference): Taylor & Francis, pp. 577–584, 1995.
Ekşioğlu, M., A Model for Impairment Evaluation of Wrist Due to the Loss of Wrist Range of Motion, : Wichita State University, Department of Industrial Engineering, 1992.
