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"Graphs of edge-intersecting non-splitting paths in a tree: Representations of holes—Part I",
Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 215, pp. 47–60, 2016.
"On the minimum and maximum selective graph coloring problems in some graph classes",
Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 204, pp. 77–89, 2016.
Optimal Sensor Deployment to Increase the Security of the Maximal Breach Path in Border Surveillance,
: Boğaziçi University, 2016.
"Prediction equations for permanent impairment of the upper extremity due to the loss of range of motion",
Work, vol. 53, pp. 409–420, 2016.
"PSO-based and SA-based metaheuristics for bilinear programming problems: an application to the pooling problem",
Journal of Heuristics, vol. 22, pp. 147–179, 2016.
"Results of a beer game experiment: Should a manager always behave according to the book?",
Complexity, vol. 21, pp. 190-199, 2016.
"Advances on defective parameters in graphs",
Discrete Optimization, vol. 16, pp. 62-69, 2015.
"Estimation of digraph costs for keyboard layout optimization",
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, vol. 48: Elsevier, pp. 127–138, 2015.
"An Estimation of Finger-Tapping Rates and Load Capacities and the Effects of Various Factors",
Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society: SAGE Publications, pp. 0018720814563976, 2015.
"Hand Torque Strength in Industry: A Critical Review",
Industrial Engineering Applications in Emerging Countries: CRC Press, pp. 81, 2015.
"Locating recycling facilities for IT based electronic waste in Turkey",
Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 105, pp. 324–336, Oct, 2015.
"Prediction equations for permanent impairment of the upper extremity due to the loss of range of motion",
Journal of WORK, no. Preprint: IOS Press, pp. 1–12, 2015.
"On some applications of the selective graph coloring problem",
European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 240, pp. 307-314, 2015.
"Türkiye'de İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliğinin Genel Durumu, Öneriler ve Sistem Yaklaşımı",
Ge-li-yo-rum Diyen Facia: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları, pp. 165–181, 2015.
"Block decomposition approach to compute a minimum geodetic set",
RAIRO-Operations Research, vol. 48, no. 04: EDP Sciences, pp. 497–507, 2014.
"Block decomposition approach to compute a minimum geodetic set",
RAIRO-Operations Research, vol. 48, no. 04: EDP Sciences, pp. 497–507, 2014.
"The Effect of Semi-Rational Supply Chain Members on the Decision Parameters Used in Managing the Stock of an Echelon",
The 32nd International System Dynamics Conference, Delft, Netherlands: System Dynamics Society (http://www.systemdynamics.org/conferences/2014/index.html), 2014.
"Efficient recognition of equimatchable graphs",
Information Processing Letters, vol. 114, no. 1: Elsevier, pp. 66–71, 2014.
"Life behavior of shock models for uniformly distributed interarrival times",
Statistical Papers, vol. 55, pp. 841–852, Aug, 2014.
"A Mathematical Model of the Beer Game",
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, vol. 17, pp. 2, 2014.
"A Mathematical Model of the Beer Game",
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, vol. 17, no. 4: Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, pp. jasss–soc, 2014.
"Polar cographs",
Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 171, no. EPFL-ARTICLE-199582: Elsevier Science Bv, pp. 158–158, 2014.
"Save the Musicians! The Ergonomics of the Drumming",
Advances in Physical Ergonomics and Human Factors: Part II, vol. 15: AHFE Conference, pp. 269, 2014.
"Wireless sensor network lifetime maximization by optimal sensor deployment, activity scheduling, data routing and sink mobility",
Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 17: Elsevier, pp. 18–36, 2014.
"Decomposition Algorithms for Solving the Minimum Weight Maximal Matching Problem",
Networks, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 273–287, 2013.
"Finger tapping rates and the effects of various factors",
Occupational Safety and Hygiene: CRC Press, pp. 31, 2013.
"Hand torque strength of female population of Turkey and the effects of various factors",
Occupational Safety and Hygiene: CRC Press, pp. 37, 2013.
"Hardness and approximation of minimum maximal matchings",
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, no. ahead-of-print: Taylor & Francis, pp. 1–20, 2013.