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Küçükaydın, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "Hybrid Tabu Search Heuristics for a Bilevel Competitive Facility Location Model", 26th Annual Conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society, 2012.
Keçici, S., N. Aras, and V. Verter, "Incorporating the threat of terrorist attacks in the design of public service facility networks", Optimization Letters, vol. 6, no. 6: Springer-Verlag, pp. 1101–1121, 2012.
Küçükaydın, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "A leader–follower game in competitive facility location", Computers & Operations Research, vol. 39, no. 2: Elsevier, pp. 437–448, 2012.
Küçükaydın, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "A leader–follower game in competitive facility location", Computers & Operations Research, vol. 39, no. 2: Elsevier, pp. 437–448, 2012.
Döyen, A., N. Aras, and G. Barbarosoğlu, "A two-echelon stochastic facility location model for humanitarian relief logistics", Optimization Letters, vol. 6, no. 6: Springer-Verlag, pp. 1123–1145, 2012.
Küçükaydin, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "Competitive facility location problem with attractiveness adjustment of the follower: A bilevel programming model and its solution", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 208, pp. 206–220, 2011.
Küçükaydin, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "Competitive facility location problem with attractiveness adjustment of the follower: A bilevel programming model and its solution", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 208, pp. 206–220, 2011.
Küçükaydın, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "A discrete competitive facility location model with variable attractiveness", Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 62, no. 9: Nature Publishing Group, pp. 1726–1741, 2011.
Küçükaydın, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "A discrete competitive facility location model with variable attractiveness", Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 62, no. 9: Nature Publishing Group, pp. 1726–1741, 2011.
Albey, E., and Ü. Bilge, "A hierarchical approach to FMS planning and control with simulation-based capacity anticipation", International Journal of Production Research, vol. 49, no. 11: Taylor & Francis, pp. 3319–3342, 2011.
M Keskin, E., K. I. Altinel, N. Aras, and C. Ersoy, "Lifetime maximization in wireless sensor networks using a mobile sink with nonzero traveling time", The Computer Journal: Oxford University Press, pp. bxr048, 2011.
M Keskin, E., K. I. Altinel, N. Aras, and C. Ersoy, "Lifetime maximization in wireless sensor networks using a mobile sink with nonzero traveling time", The Computer Journal: Oxford University Press, pp. bxr048, 2011.
Şeker, O., Y. Barlas, and F. Alagöl, "Modeling the Dynamics of Thyroid Hormones and Related Disorders", 29th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, 2011.
Aras, N., R. Güllü, and S. Yürülmez, "Optimal inventory and pricing policies for remanufacturable leased products", International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 133, no. 1: Elsevier, pp. 262–271, 2011.
Aras, N., D. Aksen, and M. Tuğrul Tekin, "Selective multi-depot vehicle routing problem with pricing", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 19, no. 5: Elsevier, pp. 866–884, 2011.
Aras, N., D. Aksen, and M. Tuğrul Tekin, "Selective multi-depot vehicle routing problem with pricing", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 19, no. 5: Elsevier, pp. 866–884, 2011.
I. Altinel, K., N. Aras, and KC. Özkısacık, "Variable neighbourhood search heuristics for the probabilistic multi-source Weber problem", Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 62, no. 10: Nature Publishing Group, pp. 1813–1826, 2011.
I. Altinel, K., N. Aras, and KC. Özkısacık, "Variable neighbourhood search heuristics for the probabilistic multi-source Weber problem", Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 62, no. 10: Nature Publishing Group, pp. 1813–1826, 2011.
Adaman, F., N. Karalı, G. Kumbaroğlu, İ. Or, B. Özkaynak, and Ü. Zenginobuz, "What determines urban households’ willingness to pay for CO2 emission reductions in Turkey: A contingent valuation survey", Energy Policy, vol. 39, pp. 689-698, 2011.
Aksen, D., N. Piyade, and N. Aras, "The budget constrained r-interdiction median problem with capacity expansion", Central European Journal of Operations Research, vol. 18, no. 3: Springer-Verlag, pp. 269–291, 2010.
Aksen, D., N. Piyade, and N. Aras, "The budget constrained r-interdiction median problem with capacity expansion", Central European Journal of Operations Research, vol. 18, no. 3: Springer-Verlag, pp. 269–291, 2010.
Türkogullari, Y. Bogaç, N. Aras, K. I. Altinel, and C. Ersoy, "A column generation based heuristic for sensor placement, activity scheduling and data routing in wireless sensor networks", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 207, pp. 1014–1026, 2010.
Türkogullari, Y. Bogaç, N. Aras, K. I. Altinel, and C. Ersoy, "A column generation based heuristic for sensor placement, activity scheduling and data routing in wireless sensor networks", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 207, pp. 1014–1026, 2010.
Aras, N., T. Boyaci, V. Verter, M. Ferguson, and GC. Souza, "Designing the reverse logistics network", Closed-loop supply chains: new developments to improve the sustainability of business practices. Auerbach Publications, pp. 67–97, 2010.
Türkogullari, Y. Bogaç, N. Aras, K. I. Altinel, and C. Ersoy, "An efficient heuristic for placement, scheduling and routing in wireless sensor networks", Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 8, pp. 654–667, 2010.
Türkogullari, Y. Bogaç, N. Aras, K. I. Altinel, and C. Ersoy, "An efficient heuristic for placement, scheduling and routing in wireless sensor networks", Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 8, pp. 654–667, 2010.
Güney, E., N. Aras, K. I. Altinel, and C. Ersoy, "Efficient integer programming formulations for optimum sink location and routing in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks", Computer Networks, vol. 54, pp. 1805–1822, 2010.
Güney, E., N. Aras, K. I. Altinel, and C. Ersoy, "Efficient integer programming formulations for optimum sink location and routing in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks", Computer Networks, vol. 54, pp. 1805–1822, 2010.
Erol, I., M. Nurtanis Velioglu, F. Sivrikaya Serifoglu, G. Büyüközkan, N. Aras, N. Demircan Cakar, and A. Korugan, "Exploring reverse supply chain management practices in Turkey", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, vol. 15, no. 1: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 43–54, 2010.
Küçükaydin, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "A Hybrid Tabu Search Heuristic for a Bilevel Competitive Facility Location Model", Hybrid Metaheuristics, pp. 31–45, 2010.
