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Öncan, T., Z. Şuvak, H. M. Akyüz, and K. I. Altinel, "Assignment problem with conflicts", Computers & Operations Research, vol. 111, pp. 214-229, 2019.
M Akyüz, H., T. Öncan, and K. I. Altinel, "Branch and bound algorithms for solving the multi-commodity capacitated multi-facility Weber problem", Annals of Operations Research, vol. 279, pp. 1–42, 2019.
Dursun, P., Z. C. Taşkın, K. I. Altinel, H. Bilge, N. Dönmez Kesen, M. Okutan, and E. Nezih Oral, "A column generation heuristic for VMAT planning with adaptive CVaR constraints", Physics in Medicine {&} Biology, vol. 64, pp. 205024, oct, 2019.
Dursun, P., Z. C. Taşkın, and K. I. Altinel, "The determination of optimal treatment plans for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT)", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 272, pp. 372-388, 2019.
Tanınmış, K., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "Influence maximization with deactivation in social networks", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 278, pp. 105-119, 2019.
I. Altinel, K., N. Aras, Z. Şuvak, and Z. C. Taşkın, "Minimum cost noncrossing flow problem on layered networks", Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 261, pp. 2-21, 2019.
Demiröz, B. Evrim, K. I. Altinel, and L. Akarun, "Rectangle blanket problem: Binary integer linear programming formulation and solution algorithms", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 277, pp. 62-83, 2019.
Dursun, P., Z. C. Taşkın, and K. I. Altinel, "Using branch-and-price to determine optimal treatment plans for volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT)", Computers & Operations Research, vol. 110, pp. 1-17, 2019.
Başdere, M., N. Aras, K. I. Altinel, and S. Afşar, "A leader-follower game for the point coverage problem in wireless sensor networks", European Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 7, no. 5: Inderscience Publishers, pp. 635–656, 2013.
Küçükaydın, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "Ciftduzeyli Bir Rekabetci Tesis Yer Secimi Problemi Icin Tabu Arama Sezgiseli", Endustri Muhendisligi Dergisi, vol. 23, no. 1: TMMOB Makina Muhendisleri Odasi, 2012.
Güney, E., N. Aras, K. I. Altinel, and C. Ersoy, "Efficient solution techniques for the integrated coverage, sink location and routing problem in wireless sensor networks", Computers & Operations Research, vol. 39, no. 7: Elsevier, pp. 1530–1539, 2012.
Küçükaydın, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "Hybrid Tabu Search Heuristics for a Bilevel Competitive Facility Location Model", 26th Annual Conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society, 2012.
Küçükaydın, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "A leader–follower game in competitive facility location", Computers & Operations Research, vol. 39, no. 2: Elsevier, pp. 437–448, 2012.
Küçükaydin, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "Competitive facility location problem with attractiveness adjustment of the follower: A bilevel programming model and its solution", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 208, pp. 206–220, 2011.
Küçükaydın, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "A discrete competitive facility location model with variable attractiveness", Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 62, no. 9: Nature Publishing Group, pp. 1726–1741, 2011.
M Keskin, E., K. I. Altinel, N. Aras, and C. Ersoy, "Lifetime maximization in wireless sensor networks using a mobile sink with nonzero traveling time", The Computer Journal: Oxford University Press, pp. bxr048, 2011.
I. Altinel, K., N. Aras, and KC. Özkısacık, "Variable neighbourhood search heuristics for the probabilistic multi-source Weber problem", Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 62, no. 10: Nature Publishing Group, pp. 1813–1826, 2011.
