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Hörmann, W., and O. Bayar, "Modelling Probability Distributions from Data and its Influence on Simulation", Proceedings IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modeling, pp. 429-435, 2000.
I. Altinel, K., and S. Özekici, "Dynamic component testing of a series system with redundant subsystems", Iie Transactions, vol. 33, pp. 1093–1108, 2001.
Arıkan, Y., and G. Kumbaroğlu, "Endogenising emission taxes: A general equilibrium type optimisation model applied for Turkey", Energy Policy, vol. 29, pp. 1045-1056, 2001.
Zhuang, Z., and M. Ekşioğlu, "Ergonomic evaluation of a prototype assistive device for moving residents up in bed", Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering-Theory, Applications and Practice (CD-ROM), 2001.
Orçun, S., K. I. Altinel, and Ö. Hortaçsu, "General continuous time models for production planning and scheduling of batch processing plants: mixed integer linear program formulations and computational issues", Computers & Chemical Engineering, vol. 25, pp. 371–389, 2001.
Özekici, S., K. I. Altinel, and M.. E. Angun, A general software testing model involving operational profiles, , vol. 15, pp. 519–533, 2001.
Barlas, Y., and H. Yasarcan, "A Method For Finding Equilibrium Points of a Non-Linear Dynamic Model", The 19th International System Dynamics Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA: System Dynamics Society (http://www.systemdynamics.org/conferences/2001), 2001.
Ekşioğlu, M., and J. E. Fernandez, "A model for impairment evaluation of the wrist due to the loss of wrist range of motion", Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering–Theory, Applications, and Practice (CD-ROM), 2001.
Leydold, J., and W. Hörmann, "Universal Algorithms as an Alternative for Generating Non-Uniform Continuous Random Variates", {M}onte {C}arlo {S}imulation: A. A. Balkema, pp. 177–183, 2001.
Leydold, J., G. Derflinger, G. Tirler, and W. Hörmann, "An Automatic Code Generator for Nonuniform Random Variate Generation", Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 62, no. 3–6, pp. 405–412, 2003.
Hörmann, W., and J. Leydold, "Continuous Random Variate Generation by Fast Numerical Inversion", ACMTOMACS, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 347–362, 2003.
Kumbaroğlu, G., and R. Madlener, "Energy and Climate Policy Analysis with the Hybrid Bottom Up Computable General Equilibrium Model SCREEN The Case of the Swiss CO2 Act", Annals of Operations Research, vol. 121, pp. 181–203, Jul, 2003.
Kumbaroğlu, G., "Environmental Taxation and Economic Effects A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis for Turkey", Journal of Policy Modeling, vol. 25, pp. 795–810, Nov, 2003.
Yasarcan, H., Feedback, delays and non-linearities in decision structures, : Boğaziçi University, 2003.
Yasarcan, H., and Y. Barlas, "A general stock control formulation for stock management problems involving delays and secondary stocks", The 21st International System Dynamics Conference, New York City, USA: System Dynamics Society (http://www.systemdynamics.org/conferences/2003/index.htm), 2003.
Aras, N., K. I. Altinel, and J. Oommen, "A Kohonen-like decomposition method for the Euclidean traveling salesman problem-KNIES_DECOMPOSE", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 14, pp. 869–890, 2003.
Ekşioğlu, M., and G. Chen, "Minimizing $\alpha$ and $\beta$ Errors in Detection Tasks", IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings: Institute of Industrial Engineers-Publisher, pp. 1, 2003.
Ekşioğlu, M., and G. Chen, "Minimizing $\alpha$ and $\beta$ errors in detection tasks", Proceedings of 12th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference (CD-ROM), 2003.
I. Altinel, K., N. Aras, and BJ. Oommen, "A self-organizing method for map reconstruction", Neural Networks for Signal Processing, 2003. NNSP'03. 2003 IEEE 13th Workshop on: IEEE, pp. 677–687, 2003.
Ekşioğlu, M., and K. Kızılaslan, "A 2-D Biomechanical Analysis of Microgravity Induced Neutral Body Posture in one-g Environment", IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings: Institute of Industrial Engineers-Publisher, pp. 1, 2004.
Ekşioğlu, M., and K. Kızılaslan, "A 2-D biomechanical analysis of zero-gravity neutral posture in one-g environment", Proceedings of 13th IIE Annual Conference (CD- ROM), 2004.
Ekim, T., and V. Th Paschos, "Approximation preserving reductions for set covering, vertex covering and independent set hierarchies under differential approximationa", International Journal of Computer Mathematics, vol. 81, no. 5: Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 569–582, 2004.
Hörmann, W., J. Leydold, and G. Derflinger, Automatic Nonuniform Random Variate Generation, , Berlin Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
Aras, N., T. Boyaci, and V. Verter, "The effect of categorizing returned products in remanufacturing", IIE Transactions, vol. 36, no. 4: Taylor & Francis, pp. 319–331, 2004.
Tirler, G., P. Dalgaard, W. Hörmann, and J. Leydold, "An Error in the Kinderman-Ramage Method and How to Fix It", Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 433–440, 2004.
