Complementary & HSS Electives

"Complementary" elective courses aim at providing the student a method, technique and/or skill that complements to Industrial Engineering courses. Special care must be taken for the course to be selected as "Complementary" so that its content does not coincide with an IE course. (New courses other than stated below are evaluated accordingly).

"Humanities & Social Sciences" elective courses aim at enriching the student's global perspective and intellectual level. The main characteristic of HSS courses is that they do not directly teach a method, technique and/or skill. (For example, a German language teaching course cannot be counted as an HSS course, but a German literature course can).

"Unrestricted" elective courses aim at providing the student a broad flexibility for his/her individual development either technically or culturally. An "Unrestricted" elective course can be, disregarding some rare exceptions, any course with 3-credit and letter grade in the University. Exceptions are about;

a. Foreign language courses: Foreign language course with a 1xx or 2xx code (e.g. SPA 102, GER 201 etc.),

b. Courses with significant content overlap with a required course: A course which obviously coincides with a required course (For example, "Operations Research" and "Statistics" courses offered by the Department of Management). Further examples include AD 150, 351, 353, and 503.

These courses described in (a) and (b) cannot be accepted as "Unrestricted”

According to the education regulations of the Faculty of Engineering, none of the courses from the School of Applied Disciplines (International Trade, Management Information Systems, Tourism Administration) are accepted in the categories described above. Students can only take courses from these three departments as non-credit courses.


1- For a course to be counted as elective, it must be taken with credit and on a letter grade basis.

2- When two or more courses below are listed with parenthesis - like Course xxx (or Course yyy) - only one of these courses can be counted as elective.

3- Regardless of the code, if a course solely teaches language, it cannot be taken either as an "HSS (Humanities and Social Sciences)" or “free elective (unrestricted)“ course. On the other hand, if it teaches literature and so on, it may be taken as an HSS or free elective with the consent of the advisor.


Available "Complementary Course"s

1. School of Engineering

All Engineering courses except CHE 383, 462, 477, 478; CE 202, 402; CMPE 160, 210, 343, 365, 483; EE 313, 454, 457, 484.

2. Department of Mathematics

All departmental courses with a code of at least 200 except MATH 343, 344.

3. Department of Physics

All departmental courses with a code of at least 200 except PHYS 290, 390.

4. Department of Chemistry

All departmental courses with a code of at least 200.

5. Department. of Biology

All departmental courses with a code of at least 200.

6. Department of Economics

EC 203 Micro Economics I, EC 205 Macro Economics I, EC 206 Micro Economics II , EC 208 Macro Economics II, EC 301 Economics of Industrial Organization, EC 304 Game Theory, EC 305 Urban Economics, EC 306 Advanced Microeconomics, EC 308 Advanced Macroeconomics, EC 331 Econometrics , EC 332 Advanced Econometrics , EC 344 Money, Banking and Financial Institutions, EC 350 Government Control, EC 351 Public Finance , EC 352 Topics in Public Finance , EC 361 International Economics , EC 362 Topics in International Economics , EC 405 Transportation Economics, EC 406 Agricultural Economics, EC 431 Applied Econometrics I, EC 432 Applied Econometrics II, EC 433 Project Evaluation, EC 454 Turkish Tax System, EC 470 Turkish Economics, EC 471 Growth and Development, EC 48E Financial Applications of Machine Learning

7. Department of Management

AD 242 Strategic Marketing Management, AD 311 Financial Management, AD 312 Money and Banking, AD 320 Human Resources Management, AD 401 Globalization and International Management, AD 402 Multinational Companies, AD 403 Managerial Economics, AD 408 Strategic Management, AD 410 Advance Managerial Accounting, AD 412 Taxation and Accounting, AD 414 Advance Financial Management, AD 415 Corporate Finance, AD 416 Profit Planning and Control, AD 417 Strategic Financial Management, AD 418 International Finance , AD 419 International Financial Management, AD 420 Entrepreneurial Finance, AD 421 Public Management, AD 425 Management of Technology, AD 426 Management of Multi-organizational Systems, AD 427 Small Business Management, AD 428 NGO Management, AD 429 Management of Multinationals, AD 432 Entrepreneurship, AD 441 Consumer Behavior, AD 442 Advertising , AD 443 International Marketing, AD 444 Sales Management, AD 445 Retail Management, AD 446 Marketing Research, AD 447 Services Marketing, AD 448 Brand Management, AD 449 Export Management, AD 452 Information Systems Management*, AD 465 Fixed Income Securities, AD 468 Financial Risk Management, AD 469 Valuation, AD 470 Investment Management, AD 471 Accounting System Design, AD 472 Financial Ins. and Markets, AD 475 Advance Advanced Financial Accounting, AD 476 Financial Simulation, AD 477 Bank Management

* Due to significant course content overlap between IE 442 Enterprise Information Systems Modeling (counted as IE Departmental Elective) and AD 452 Information Systems Management, you are allowed to take only one of the courses with credit.

8. Department of Psychology

PSY 271, 304, 362, 466, 472.

9. Department of Philosophy

PHIL 131, 132, 331, 332.

10. Institute of Biomedical Engineering

All BM courses except BM 503, 504, 531, 532.


Available "Humanities & Social Sciences Course"s

The list of candidate courses that can be considered in the HSS category is determined by the University HSS Commission, and this list is announced through the registration system at the beginning of each semester. Whether a course from this list will be accepted as an HSS, or not is subject to your academic advisor’s approval.

* Maximum two AE courses can be taken as HSS Elective.