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You can find IE 492 Final Presentation Schedule at the attached file below.
Merkezi Amerika'da olan ve wireless network, wifi marketing ve analitik alanlarinda calisan firmamiz Faraday Networks'un Bilisim Vadisi Gebze'deki Ar-Ge ofisinde, urun pazarlama ve urun yonetimi alanlarinda calismak uzere uzun donemli stajyer aramaktayiz.  ·         Universitelerin ilgili...
The first set of IE 492 project topics for Spring 2018 semester can be seen in the attached pdf files. A second, and smaller, set of topics will be posted later this week.     Attached pdf file has the list of the projects, with their brief descriptions and supervisors.   Please talk to the...
Department of Industrial Eng. will hire part-time student assistants for Spring semester of 2017-2018 Academic Year. The announcement and details are provided in the attached file.
Department of Industrial Eng. will hire graduate teaching assistants.  The announcement and details are provided in the link below.  
The Department of Industrial Engineering at Boğaziçi University invites applications for a full-time tenure-track faculty position starting in Fall 2018. Candidates are expected to have a PhD in industrial engineering , operations research, statistics, management sciences, or a related field. The...
Attached document has the part-time student assistantship decisions.
Department of Industrial Eng. will hire part-time student assistants for Fall semester of 2017-2018 Academic Year. The announcement and details are provided in the attached file.  
The first set of IE 492 project topics for Spring 2017 semester can be seen in the attached pdf files. A second, and smaller, set of topics will be posted later this week.    Attached pdf file has the list of the projects, with their brief descriptions and supervisors.   Please talk to the advisors...
Department of Industrial Eng. will hire part-time student assistants for Spring semester of 2016-2017 Academic Year. The announcement and details are provided in the attached file.
