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Journal Article
Aksen, D., N. Aras, and A. Gönül Karaarslan, "Design and analysis of government subsidized collection systems for incentive-dependent returns", International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 119, no. 2: Elsevier, pp. 308–327, 2009.
Tombuş, A. Cilacı, N. Aras, and V. Verter, "Designing distribution systems with reverse flows", Journal of Remanufacturing, vol. 7, pp. 113–137, 2017.
Aras, N., T. Boyaci, V. Verter, M. Ferguson, and GC. Souza, "Designing the reverse logistics network", Closed-loop supply chains: new developments to improve the sustainability of business practices. Auerbach Publications, pp. 67–97, 2010.
Küçükaydın, H., and N. Aras, "Determining the most vulnerable components in a transportation network", Sigma, vol. 9, pp. 371–382, 2018.
Durmaz, E., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "Discrete approximation heuristics for the capacitated continuous location-allocation problem with probabilistic customer locations", Computers & Operations Research, vol. 36, pp. 2139–2148, 2009.
Küçükaydın, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "A discrete competitive facility location model with variable attractiveness", Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 62, no. 9: Nature Publishing Group, pp. 1726–1741, 2011.
Oommen, J., K. I. Altinel, and N. Aras, "Discrete vector quantization for arbitrary distance function estimation", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, vol. 28, pp. 496–510, 1998.
Aras, N., T. Boyaci, and V. Verter, "The effect of categorizing returned products in remanufacturing", IIE Transactions, vol. 36, no. 4: Taylor & Francis, pp. 319–331, 2004.
I. Altinel, K., N. Aras, E. Güney, and C. Ersoy, Effective coverage in sensor networks: Binary integer programming formulations and heuristics, , vol. 9, pp. 4014–4019, 2006.
Türkogullari, Y. Bogaç, N. Aras, K. I. Altinel, and C. Ersoy, "An efficient heuristic for placement, scheduling and routing in wireless sensor networks", Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 8, pp. 654–667, 2010.
Aras, N., M. Orbay, and K. I. Altinel, "Efficient heuristics for the rectilinear distance capacitated multi-facility Weber problem", Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 59, no. 1: Nature Publishing Group, pp. 64–79, 2008.
Güney, E., N. Aras, K. I. Altinel, and C. Ersoy, "Efficient integer programming formulations for optimum sink location and routing in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks", Computer Networks, vol. 54, pp. 1805–1822, 2010.
Güney, E., N. Aras, K. I. Altinel, and C. Ersoy, "Efficient solution techniques for the integrated coverage, sink location and routing problem in wireless sensor networks", Computers & Operations Research, vol. 39, no. 7: Elsevier, pp. 1530–1539, 2012.
Şuvak, Z., K. I. Altinel, and N. Aras, "Exact solution algorithms for the maximum flow problem with additional conflict constraints", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 287, pp. 410-437, 2020.
Erol, I., M. Nurtanis Velioglu, F. Sivrikaya Serifoglu, G. Büyüközkan, N. Aras, N. Demircan Cakar, and A. Korugan, "Exploring reverse supply chain management practices in Turkey", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, vol. 15, no. 1: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 43–54, 2010.
I. Altinel, K., N. Aras, and J. Oommen, "Fast, efficient and accurate solutions to the Hamiltonian path problem using neural approaches", Computers & Operations Research, vol. 27, pp. 461–494, 2000.
Küçükaydin, H., and N. Aras, "Gradual covering location problem with multi-type facilities considering customer preferences", Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 147, pp. 106577, 2020.
Keçici, S., N. Aras, and V. Verter, "Incorporating the threat of terrorist attacks in the design of public service facility networks", Optimization Letters, vol. 6, no. 6: Springer-Verlag, pp. 1101–1121, 2012.
Tanınmış, K., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "Influence maximization with deactivation in social networks", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 278, pp. 105-119, 2019.
Döyen, A., and N. Aras, "An integrated disaster preparedness model for retrofitting and relief item transportation", Networks and Spatial Economics, vol. 19, pp. 1031–1068, 2019.
Aras, N., J. Oommen, and K. I. Altinel, "The Kohonen network incorporating explicit statistics and its application to the travelling salesman problem", Neural Networks, vol. 12, pp. 1273–1284, 1999.
Aras, N., K. I. Altinel, and J. Oommen, "A Kohonen-like decomposition method for the Euclidean traveling salesman problem-KNIES_DECOMPOSE", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 14, pp. 869–890, 2003.
Başdere, M., N. Aras, K. I. Altinel, and S. Afşar, "A leader-follower game for the point coverage problem in wireless sensor networks", European Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 7, no. 5: Inderscience Publishers, pp. 635–656, 2013.
Küçükaydın, H., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "A leader–follower game in competitive facility location", Computers & Operations Research, vol. 39, no. 2: Elsevier, pp. 437–448, 2012.
M Keskin, E., K. I. Altinel, N. Aras, and C. Ersoy, "Lifetime maximization in wireless sensor networks using a mobile sink with nonzero traveling time", The Computer Journal: Oxford University Press, pp. bxr048, 2011.
Aras, N., and D. Aksen, "Locating collection centers for distance-and incentive-dependent returns", International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 111, no. 2: Elsevier, pp. 316–333, 2008.
Aras, N., D. Aksen, and A. Gönül Tanuğur, "Locating collection centers for incentive-dependent returns under a pick-up policy with capacitated vehicles", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 191, no. 3: Elsevier, pp. 1223–1240, 2008.
Aras, N., A. Korugan, GÜLÇİN. B. Ü. Y. Ü. K. Ö. Z. FEYZİOĞLU, FUNDA. S. İ. V. R. İ. K. A. Y. ŞERİFOĞLU, I. Erol, and M. Nurtaniş Velioğlu, "Locating recycling facilities for IT based electronic waste in Turkey", Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 105, pp. 324–336, Oct, 2015.
I. Altinel, K., E. Durmaz, N. Aras, and K. Can Özkisacik, "A location-allocation heuristic for the capacitated multi-facility Weber problem with probabilistic customer locations", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 198, pp. 790–799, 2009.
Tanınmış, K., N. Aras, K. I. Altinel, and E. Güney, "Minimizing the misinformation spread in social networks", IISE Transactions, vol. 52, pp. 850-863, 2020.
