432 sonucu aktar:
Yazar Başlık [ Tür(Desc)] Yıl
Book Chapter
Yücel, G., "The actor-option framework: a general framework for modelling socio-technical systems in transitions", Infranomics: Sustainability, Engineering Design and Governance, vol. 24, Cham, Springer International Publishing, pp. 407–418, 2013.
Gonzalez-Sanchez, J., M. Gokce Baydogan, M. Elena Chavez-Echeagaray, R. K. Atkinson, and W. Burleson, "Affect measurement: A roadmap through approaches, technologies, and data analysis", Emotions and Affect in Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction: Elsevier, pp. 255–288, 2017.
Aras, N., and H. Küçükaydın, "Bilevel Models on the Competitive Facility Location Problem", Spatial Interaction Models: Springer, pp. 1–19, 2017.
Barlas, Y., and H. Yasarcan, "A comprehensive model of goal dynamics in organizations: setting, evaluation and revision", Complex Decision Making: Springer, pp. 295–320, 2008.
Ekim, T., A. Erey, P. Heggernes, P. van't Hof, and D. Meister, "Computing minimum geodetic sets of proper interval graphs", LATIN 2012: Theoretical Informatics: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 279–290, 2012.
Barlas, Y., "Credibility, Validity and Testing of Dynamic Simulation Models", Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Aksen, D., and N. Aras, "Customer selection and profit maximization in vehicle routing problems", Operations Research Proceedings 2005: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 37–42, 2006.
Ekşioğlu, M., E. Kiris, B. \ cCapar, M. N. Selçuk, and S. Ouzeir, "Heuristic evaluation and usability testing: case study", Internationalization, Design and Global Development: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 143–151, 2011.
Aksen, D., and N. Aras, "A Matheuristic for Leader-Follower Games Involving Facility Location-Protection-Interdiction Decisions", Metaheuristics for Bi-level Optimization: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 115–151, 2013.
Bilgiç, T., "The Membership Function and Its Measurement", On Fuzziness: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 47–53, 2013.
Hörmann, W., "New generators of normal and Poisson deviates based on transformed rejection", Operations Research Proceedings 1992, Berlin, Springer, pp. 334–341, 1993.
Özyurt, Z., D. Aksen, and N. Aras, "Open vehicle routing problem with time deadlines: Solution methods and an application", Operations Research Proceedings 2005: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 73–78, 2006.
Hörmann, W., and J. Leydold, "Sampling from Linear Multivariate Densities", Advancing the Frontiers of Simulation: A Festschrift in Honor of George Samuel Fishman, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 143–152, 2009.
Aras, N., Y. Türkoğulları, Z. C. Taşkın, and K. I. Altinel, "Simultaneous Optimization of Berth Allocation, Quay Crane Assignment and Quay Crane Scheduling Problems in Container Terminals", Operations Research Proceedings 2012: Springer International Publishing, pp. 101–107, 2014.
Aras, N., S. Yumusak, and K. I. Altinel, "Solving the capacitated multi-facility Weber problem by simulated annealing, threshold accepting and genetic algorithms", Metaheuristics: Springer US, pp. 91–112, 2007.
B Oommen, J., N. Aras, and K. I. Altinel, "Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem using the Kohonen Network Incorporating Explicit Statistics", Neural Nets WIRN VIETRI-98: Springer London, pp. 273–282, 1999.
Ekşioğlu, M., "Türkiye'de İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliğinin Genel Durumu, Öneriler ve Sistem Yaklaşımı", Ge-li-yo-rum Diyen Facia: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları, pp. 165–181, 2015.
Ekşioğlu, M., E. Kiris, T. \ cCakır, M. Güvendik, E. D. Koyutürk, and M. Yılmaz, "A user experience study of airline websites", Design, User Experience, and Usability. Web, Mobile, and Product Design: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 173–182, 2013.
Conference Paper
Ekşioğlu, M., and K. Kızılaslan, "A 2-D biomechanical analysis of zero-gravity neutral posture in one-g environment", Proceedings of 13th IIE Annual Conference (CD- ROM), 2004.
Gonzalez-Sanchez, J., M. Elena Chavez-Echeagaray, L. Lin, M. Gokce Baydogan, R. Christopherson, D. Gibson, R. Atkinson, and W. Burleson, "Affect Recognition in Learning Scenarios: Matching Facial-and BCI-Based Values", 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'13): IEEE, 2013.
Oommen, J., K. I. Altinel, and N. Aras, "Arbitrary distance function estimation using discrete vector quantization", Neural Networks, 1997., International Conference on, vol. 2: IEEE, pp. 1272–1277, 1997.
Oommen, J., K. I. Altinel, and N. Aras, "Arbitrary distance function estimation using vector quantization", International Symposium on Neural Networks, 1995.
Ekşioğlu, M., J. E. Fernandez, and J. M. Twomey, "An artificial neural network (ANN)", Advances in Industrial Ergonomics and Safety VII (Proceedings of the Tenth Annual International Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Conference): Taylor & Francis, pp. 577–584, 1995.
Ekşioğlu, M., and J. E. Fernandez, "Artificial neural network-based prediction models for determiing maximum acceptable frequency of a drilling task", Advances in Applied Ergonomics (1st International Conference on Applied Ergonomics): USA Publishing, pp. 646–649, 1996.
